Friday, September 13, 2019


Sometimes you can find art in places unexpected made by everyday life and time....

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Great Falls had everything at one time. Deep history, the Catawba River, a thriving economy and the prosperity that comes with big companies. Duke energy started there, but the business driver was the Republic Cotton Mill. The Mill closed in 2006 and with it the greatness of this place faded. The population dropped from 3,995 to 1,925.

Great Fall like so many factory towns where the plant closes seems frozen in time. People still live in factory town homes and seem not to venture out much. Maybe not wanting to see the remains of what was. The roses have all gone from this place. A tale too often told in the country now. You see the glimmer of hope here and there. The new light industry on the outskirts of town, a few new places to eat and fledgling retail. Great Falls though has not reclaimed its heart. A heart that wants to beat again…

David Young

Sunday, September 8, 2019


Business Parks are lonely places where work is forced out during the week. They are away from the city, a world unto themselves leaving little room for the mind to wander anyplace but the business of profit.

On weekends they take on an eerie quiet. An enigmatic blend of aloneness and peace. The empty company event tent, the left over tools of business and the wandering person reflecting on all of it.

Door to Golden Rule Room